TatukGIS Support Portal

At the address tickets.tatukgis.com TatukGIS manage a support portal

Every email send to sales, support or webmaster mailbox are ticketed:

  1. When you send a new email to any of those account you will receive a automatic notification email with an assigned ticket number.
  2. A proper member of TatukGIS staff will be assigned to your ticket
  3. When you respond to TatukGIS email DO NOT delete form the subject ticket number ( like: [12A-12345678-AV12] ) - this number helps us to track your issue.
  4. We can assigned several statuses to your ticket but important are:
    • ACTIVE - your email is under consideration
    • WAITING - we are awaiting your response
    • CLOSE - we treat an issue as solved / answered; but if you will send more responses ticket will be reopened
    • CLOSE and LOCK - item is closed and we do not accept more correspondence; the most common case is that we got number of emails from you and we merge all tickets into a single one
  5. Please do not respond to ticket with new issue - always report a new issue in a new separate email. It will help as to properly assign resources and speed up the response.
  6. Please do not cross post your issues between number of TatukGIS addresses - it will not speed up our response time.
  7. You can create tickets directly from tickets.tatukgis.com page. Tickets issued from this web page are virtually same as created by sending emails. You will also get automatic notification email with an assigned ticket number.
  8. Knowing ticket number and email you can query for the status of your tickets. You can also ask system to send you status of all your emails in last couple of weeks